Learn how to setup up your brand new computer safely to prevent malware and viruses. These techniques are not discussed elsewhere and is detailed. Procedures will apply to both Microsoft Windows 10 computers and Apple Mac OSX computers. I'm the Internet Privacy Guy. I'm here to educate. You are losing your Internet privacy and Internet security every day if you don't fight for it. Your data is collected with endless permanent data mining. Learn about a TOR router, a VPN , antivirus, spyware, firewalls, IP address, wifi triangulation, data privacy regulation, backups and tech tools, and evading mass surveillance from NSA, CIA, FBI. Learn how to be anonymous on the Internet so you are not profiled. Learn to speak freely with pseudo anonymity. Learn more about the dangers of the inernet and the dangers of social media, dangers of email. Contact Rob on the Brax.Me App (@robbraxman) for encrypted conversations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Links mentioned in the video: https://bytzVPN.com Stealth VPN with Cloud-Based TOR Routing https://bytz.io/prod/doc.php?p=T4AZ59f748d7605f45.57715083&f=DisableAMT.zip DisableAMT.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdVm5tDIPSg My Previous Antivirus Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ7i-9g8fqM My Previous video on Location Tracking ------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://whatthezuck Cybersecurity Reference https://brax.me Privacy Focused Social Media - Encrypted Communications